TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. By mail, in advance, postage prepaid. $8. 00 co Three 2 75 00 One Delivered by Carriers in City 150 per week.
NEMI-WEEKLY. Fy mail, in adranae, postage prepaid. Lise ...83 00 Mix months. 50 WEEKLY, By mail, in adrance, portage prepaid. 91 50 Six mont! 00 One Cute of 45 esch.
In To Clate of 40 each. 20 each. In Clubs And an extra copy to person getting up Club. The above prices are invariable. Orders, Remit and at our risk, neither in of there can he procured, send Drafts or Money where the toney in a Begiatered Letter.
THE INTELLIGENCER will present daily the news in all departments, from all record quarters the world, as well as a complete of local THE WEEKLY is printed on Thursday, and rad can Te counter, in paid envelopes for mailing, Send a copy to absent friende and triatives with notes from home! desiring to bave the DAILY INTELLIGENCER left regularly at their rebdences in the and suburle, wtwl by leaving their address at Conning Room, or by drop letter through the postoffice. 10 No attention will be paid to anonymous communications; every ardcle must be accompanied writer's. real name address. Business Letters for va should be addressed Free and should in no case be aditressed to either individual member of the firm by name. The Intelligencer.
THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS. The Coming and Going--Things Wise and Otherwise, Editors Intelligencer: The Regents and others who were on their way from the Normal School at Shepherdatown to Normal School at Huntington, known as Marshall College, struck the Chesapeake and Ohio road at Gordonsville in the State -of Virginia. From that point west to the Obio, they passed through a scene of interest and enchantment. The railroad is most admirably constructed. The bridgos are of atone or iron.
The track, in including road bed and rails, in solid, cure and substantial. Steam patent brakes regulate the motion of the train. The cars move without a jar. The agement appears to be every thing that could be desired. The country over which this road passes ought to be famillar to ever American.
The blue Ridge seen from Charlottesville; the parting glances at Monticello, the home of Thoman Jefferson, and at University of Virginia, his perpetual monument; the gradual rise into the tain region; the stretch of hille, with rich intervening valleys, geona woodlands and plunging streams, which constitute for twenty or thirty miles of distance what is known 89 the Blue Ridge; the audden dash through the mountain and into Staunton -staid, aristocratic old town; the niticent valley of Virginia stretching away in the dim distance even to the Potomac, Harper's Ferry and Maryland Heights; the rapid ascent by our ironmuscled steam-steed of the sides of the Alleghenies; the amphitheatre of mountains, now thick with for. est4, now wild with jugged rocks, now pierced with tunnels, now cut deep with gorges over which we leap as by magic, now silvered by sparkling streams, and at every point displaying new geological -who that has seen and realized can ever forget? By rapid descent, through many tunnels, we down the weatern side of the Alleghenies into Greenbrier county, West Virginia, and find ourselves at the White Sulphur Springs, many feet above the level of the sea, in cool licions atmosphere, which both invigorates the appetite and sootha to quiet slumber. Two resolute Kadicals occupied the cottage of the late Rob. ert E. Lee, and so soundly did they sleep that it was not without considerable etfort that Judge Samuels, with stentorian voice and mellifluous poetry, composed for the occasion, succeeded in arousing them from their morning dreams.
It quired a desperate effort to leave the White Sulphur, and it was not, perhaps, without some enxious thoughts toward those able to spend their days and nights In this delightful retreat that we stepped on board the morning train. But in the marvelloua canon the New river, in sight the Hawk's nest and kindred displays nature's tremenof dous power, and at the repeated manifestations of the immense wealth of iron and coal stored away in the hills and mountains of West Virginia, everything else was forgotten. What a contrast to the ever changing features of the New river was the calm flow and widening valley of the Kanawha! In the former care, one knows not which most to admire, the river itself, changing its appearance every mile, or the overhanging of castellated rocks; in the latter one forgets both the river and the enclosing mountains as he gazes on the fertile valley with its abundance of grass and grain--its orchards of fruit and its homes of manifest culture. Leaving the Kanawhs, and coming to the of the Ohio through Putnam and Cabell counties, we end our railway ney, for the time, in the newly-built, extensively laid out, and somewhat pretentious city of Huntington. Somewhere between the mouths of the Kanawha and of the Big Sandy, there is destined to be a large city, Just where it will be located in as yet an unsolved problem.
It may be at Guyandotte, or at St. Cloud, or on some spot not yet known. There in a splendid site for city at Huntington, and it has the ada vantage of the present railroad terminus, and ol having commenced everything on a grand and imposing ecale. But it has also the disadvantage of having the most of its land owned by a company which ask: $700 for every corner lot of 30 feet, and from $100 to $600 for intermediate lota of 30 feet. These prices are regarded an exorbitant, and will doubtless hinder the growth of the and place.
It takes people to make a city produce wealth, as this mistaken land company may discern when it is too late. Marshall College is located at this place. It has tine buildings and a splendid cumpus of perhaps a dozen acres; but the school itself has not been as prosper: our know the facts in the case, and they have as ita friends desired. The Regents the wisdom and courage to apply the necessary remedy. The Commencement exercises Friday evening were in MolDe respecta creditable to the young ladies and gentlemen of the graduating claps; but there were too many words for the number of ideas expressed, and there was also a manifest lack of tact and sense in the general management of the school.
On Saturday at 11 o'clock the diplomas were delivered. to the graduates at a apecial meeting held in the Methodist Church, the edifice having been kindly offered for the purpose by its popular pantor, J. W. Webb. Thereafter a grad.
unting discourse of great beauty and power, was pronounced by our able and diligent State Superintendent Dr. dleton. Dr. George, of Wheeling, being present, was called out, and made a brief address, which was well received by the audience. It is but just to say that Dr.
Pendleton has done excellent work for the cause of education in the State by this visitation of the Normal Schools, and the Superintendent will testify that Dr. Logan, of Wheeling, and Judge Samuels, of Cabell County, have faithfully attended him in all his journeya, and have rendered the schools and the State effectual service. A4 for your correspondent, he has kept sharp eye on them all, and knoya more things concerning the Normal Schools than have been written in these commu: nications, The whole party, the writer courtesies is the under members obligations for many included, to of the local Boards, to public spirited citizens and friends of education at every, point, to the managers and conductora the Baltimore Ohio and Chesapeake Ohio roads, and to many others who connot be mentioned even in this general way. This visitation of the Normal schools has required heavy work, exposure, weariness, care and solicitude; but it has been for the conservation of a great -the demand, at once, patriotism and religion. Of the inside things, must in our own company, no profane ear hear.
The wise observations, the brilliant repartees, the racy anecdotes, merry jibes -they can never be written, nor can they ever be forgotten. Of the relative value of Normal Schools, something, it may be, hereafter. G. The Discussion on the Capital Question at Morgantown. MORGANTOWN, July 5, 1877.
Flitors Intelligencer: Under the head of "Capital Notes," in your paper of July 3d, you refer to a dispatch sent from this place to the Register, touching the Capital discussion here, BOILe daya since, by W. a well known catapaw of S. late Publie Printer, from which, without correction, an improper inference may be drawn. In the -firat place, the dispatch was a monstrous misreprecentation, known and spoken of here as such, and the reason it not noticed and repelled at the time by the friends of Gen. Goff and Clarks.
burg was that the party sending the dispatch was well if not favorably known here an baving a big axe to grind and had a motire in conciliating the Board of Regents, and especially one that of the "biggest bull in the pen" It. S. Regents. W. and the redoubtable "FL.
were doing up mattera here in accordance with the old Billy, Billy do, Tickle me, and I will you." How natural it was for W. to soft solder Walker Charleston, and Walker in turn boost W. into and. -a Professorship (save the mark), and the added responsibility with an increased salary of Treasurer of the University 1 1 There has been a palpable dicker on the part of some parties here holding official relations to, the University and parties at Charleston. Walker, on his arrival here, struck a bee line, evidently in accordance with previous arrangement, to the residence of hia truthful henchman, car.
pet sack in hand. Thereby hangs' a tale! W. per compact, goes it strong, and without compunction as to the means used, for Charleston, auch an seeking to impress Democratic friends that the interests of the party will be conserved by voting for Charleston. He constitutes one of a small ring here, claiming to be pillars and main propa of the University, who seek to impress the people that if Charleston fails of the Capital she will take the University and install it in an empty house on the Kanawha, built and owned by New York and Ohio capitalists. It was through the agency of thin ring that Chalfant, a Clarksburg man, was moved a8 regent, and more tractable man pat in his place, while Walker, et id omne genus, hold on as regents.
To come back to the discussion referred to by you, we can asaure you that the friends of Clarkaburg are proud of and more than satisfied with the discussion on the part of Mr. Bassell and General Goff. The results are seen every day in the pression of opinion by voters who have been inclined to vote for Charleston, and who now openly declare for Clarksburg. Without some change, not now contemplated, the vote for Clarksburg will be in the proportion of three to one. Gen.
Goff literally held the large audience spell-bound, as much by the merit of his argument as the eloquent manner in which he presented his cause, the crowd constantly increasing during his allotted hour. In a few moments after Walker commenced his reply the audience started a stampede, making ominOUR whispers in which words and figures were used touching the record of that gentleman and the dust he kicked up whilst Public Printer. TRUTH. Cease Kacking the System With drastic cathartics and hurtful salivants, and use that rational and genial recuperant, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the success of which in the erudieation of disease and the building up of feeble constitations has utterly confuted the preposterous medical theorists who insisted on the rationality of depleting the frame in order to restore it to health. Appetite, easy digestion, regular evacuations, a natural flow of bile, are as sure a result of the use of the finest of America's invigorants as increased loss of power and.
irritation of the system were ot the old exhausting method. The new era of medical treatment inaugurated by the Bitters is indeed a happy one for the sick and feeble, for it has not only placed health within their reach, but saved them from the hurtful consequences of an ahsurd fallacy. eod FINANCIAL. AND COMMERCIAL BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money and Stocks.
NEW YORK, July 7-MONEY-Closed easy at per cent. Prime mercantile paper 3a5 per cent. Custom receipts, $151,: 000. The Assistant Treasurer disbursed $571,000. Clearings $12,000,000.
Sterling, long 4.87¼, short 4.89%. at quickly rose to at which all the sales were made for the rest of the day. Borrowing rates and 1 per cent; loans were also made fint and at per cent for carrying. SILVER -At London unchanged. Here, silver bars are quoted at $1 green bucks, $1 gold.
Silver coin per cent discount. United States 6e cf 1981, (1860) new. Five- Twenties Five-Twenties New Four and a Ten-forties Carrency Sixes RAILROAD BONDS -Strong. STATE SECURITIES -Quiet. STOCKS The market was a little lower in the early dealinge, but afterwards became stroug and advanced to per Later, with a quiet market, prices improved per cent and the tone was tirin towards the close.
New York Central rose to Lake Shore to Rock Island to 8t. Paul preferred to Hannibal Pt. Joe common to do preferred to Pacific Mail to and Western Union to The other changes were very slight. market was generally quiet in the Jute dealings, and many brokers and speculators left the street before the close. The transactions were $6,400 shares, of which 8,400 were New York Central, 1,500 Erie, 1,350 26,700 Lake Shore, 2,400 Paul, 1.
Delaware Hudson, 2,450 Hannibal St. Joe, 3,500 Delaware, Lackawanna Western, 4,460 Michigan Central, 3,200 Morris Essex, and 7,100 Western Union. Western Union 583 Northwestera Quicklver 13 Northwestern 4G Pacide Quicksilver New Rock Jersey Central Sari 201 Mariposa St. Paul Adams Wells, Fargo 80 Fort Wayne 88 American. 41 433 Terre Haute Haute 11 New York Chicago $3 Chicago Alton pidioi Erie 15.
ppl Delaware Harlem A. P. Michigan Missouri 97 Burlington Union 65 Hannibal St. Joe. Lake Pac.
bonds.1073 Illinots Union Pacifie Land c. C. C. 24 Sinking Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, July super $6 00, extra $7 25a7 50, Alinuesota family $8 00a9 25, Pennsylvania $0 00a9 75, high grades $9 75a10 50.
When -Steady; Pennsylvania red at $2 0509 15, amber $2 10a2 20. Rye at 70a80e. CornQuiet; mixed 61862c. Osts-Firm; white western 43a46c, mixed 418440, -Quiet. 75 a15 Beef Hams-220.
Green Butter-Unchanged. CheeseSteady; vestern at Western 15a18c. refined at 13c, crude Whisky-Firm at $1 New York. NEW YORK, July 7. -Exchange closed, Flour- A shade Armer; No.
2, $3 50 15 00, superfine western and State $5 758 6 25, common to good $6 3006 35, good to choice $6 6516 75, white wheat extra $6 80a 7 00, fancy $7 0589 00, extra Ohio $6 358 8 50, St. Louis $6 50a10 50, Minnesota patent process $8 50a11 00. 00. 00. 0 0.
00. Wheat--Rather quiet; ungraded spring $1 35a1 56, No. 3 kee $1 50, No. 2 Milwankee $1 70, No. 2 Chicago spring $1 63a1 65.
-Western Barley and -Quiet. CornClosed rather' quiet; warm western mixed ungraded do mteam mixed c. -Light offerings, western mixed and State 35a56e, white 400620. Hay -Shipping at 70a75c. Hope Heavy: new westera 6a10e.
Coffee-Quiet, but firm; Rio cargoes, gold; jobbing at gold. Sugar-Quiet; lair to good refining prime 10c, centrifugal refined Molasses and Rice -Quiet and steady. Whisky--Dull and lower nt $1 Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, July -Demand fair and market Arm at Flour -Dull and drooping: old family $8 8589 00. Wheat- Unsettled and lower; new red $1 Corn-Good demand at 51a53c.
Oats--Dull and prices a shade lower at 37a 42c. Bye Da nominal at 68c. Bar. ley-Nominal. Pork -Firm; held at $14 00.
Lard -Strong; steam nominally 9c; current make sold at $8 kettle Balk Meats--Quiet and firm at these asked. Bacon-Good demand at full prices, Butter-Dull and unchanged. Linseed nt 68c. Whisky-Steady and in fair demand at $1 09. HoG8-Steady and firm; common $4 250 4 50, packing 6004 75, butchers' $4 80u 4 85.
Chicago. CHICAGO, July and unchanged. Whoat-Unsettled, but generally lower; No. 2 Chicago spring $1 48 cash, $1 42 July, $1 August, No. 3 do $1 23ml 24, rejected 95c.
CornFairly active and a shade higher at 481490 cash, July, August. Oats -Firmer at 33c cash, August. Bye and unchanged. Pork -In fair demand -Steady and unchanged. Barley -Steady but at lower rates; $13 00.
July, $1750 August, $17 30 September, Lardand anchanged. Whisky--Steady and uncash, a $8 95 August. Bulk Meats--Steady Firmer, but not quotably higher; $8 90 changed at $1.08. Toledo. TOLEDO, July No.
white Michigan $2 $2 10, No. 2 red spot $2 00, seller July $1 47, seller August $1 No. 3 red $1 85, No. 2 amber Michigan $1 90 asked, Corn-Firm; high mixed spot at 54c, rejected damaged Oats-Dull; Michigan at Dry Goods. NEW YORE, July continues light with package houses, but values steadily maintained.
Wool flannels in good demand and very firm. Blankets in fair request. Men's woolens are being freely delivered on account of orders. Prints quiet. Lancaster ginghams vanced.
SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. ATHE countenance is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circ*mscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose isirritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with wing or throbbing of the cars; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, witha gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels irregular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy. and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. VERMIFUGE Will certainly effect a cure.
IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; it is an innocent preparation, not capable of doing the slight est injury to the most tender infant. The genuine DR. VERMIFUGE bears the signatures of C. and FLEMING BROS. on the wrapper.
DR. C. MELANE'S LIVER PILLS. These Pills are not recommended 09 a remedy for "all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the Liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or disenses of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER.
No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuiue are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr.
LIVER PILIS. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. and FLEMING BROS. Sold all respectable druggists tad country etorekeepers generally. TILLS, FREW BOOK BINDERS -AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS.
Are prepared at all times, with the best material to all orders for Blank Books, such as are used by Banks, Counties, Corporations, Railroads and chanta, upon short notice, and in the most bie and workmanlike manner. Having all latest and most improved machivery we feel confident that we will render entire Music, satisfaction to Magazines all who and favor us Periodicals with of their every orders. de scription bound in a nest and durable wanner. MILLS, FREW NOs. 25 AND 27 FOURTEENTH dels WHEELING, W.
VA PRESCRIPTION FREE For the speed Cure of Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on by indiscretion or Any Druggiat has the Ingredients. Address DR. JAQUES Cincinnati, 0 fet8-daw FANCY FLOURS. -200 Barrels Bellaire Loule; 100 Barrels "God Melal." These are the highest grades of Flour-noue better in market. received and for mie by Je18 M.
REILLY, 1809 and 1311 Main St. A VERY LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Staple and Fancy Groceries. We handle 1 none but goods. Lowest market prices. I DJe20 -LIST, DAVENPORT PARKS.
DRUCCISTS. Joux K. BORSPORD, Prest. GIO. Cash'r.
BANK OF THE OHIO Saccemor to the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WHEELING. Capital. This Bank is organized and prepared to transact the business of banking in all its details. in It owned succeeds by the the First National shareholders Bank and of Wheeling. same la under the mime management.
By carefully regarding the interest of Its Core respondents and Depositors, and by a prompt and their faithful execution of their wishes, it bopes to esteem and confidence. merit Notes and Bills discounted. Collections made on all points throughout the United States. Deposit Accounts subjeet to check at eight reand colved from Individuals. Banks, Bankers, Firms, Corporations of Deposit Issued payable on demand or at fixed dates.
Intercut allowed on Special Deposits. DIRROTORS: John Jacob B. Wm. B. 8l peon, K.
Botaford, Win. Khodes, Wm. A. Turner, A. Isett, John L.
Hobbs, A. M. Adams, 0. C. Dewey.
Henry M. Harper, my21-daw Commercial Bank. Capital, $100,000. 1305 Main Bt. Interest paid on Special Deposits.
Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted. Accounta of merchanta and others solicited. DIRECTORS: Thos. H. List, J.
L. Stifel, R. J. 8myth, W. T.
Bart, J. C. Thomas, Chas. H. Booth.
W. A. Wilson, H. LIST, President. J.
STIFEL, V. Prest. 8. P. HILDRETH, Chabler.
A. LoT, HENRY W. List, Bank of Wheeling, WHEELING, W. VA. Capital, $100,000.
Stockholders personally liable and representing over Receives In Deposits and Discounts Paper. Denis Gold, Silver, Cola-Drafta and Sterling Exchange. Sella Drafts on England, Ireland, France, Germany and other sella prominent parta of Europe. road Bonds. and Government, State, City and RallBuys Interest paid on Special Depoelta.
Special attention given to Collections. D. C. LIST, President. G.
LAMB, Cashler. JOS. SEYBOLD, Amistant Cashier. ja15 Exchange Bank. J.
N. VANCE, Pree't. BAN'L LAUGHLIN, V. P. $200,000 Liability of 400,000 This Bank succeeds to the businees of the Merchanta' National Bank, and and deals in Coin, Coupons, Commercial Paper on Bille of Exchange.
Interest Collections paid Special Deposita. made on all points and proceeds promptly remitted. Accounts of Bankers and Business Men solicited. Stockholders liable to depositors according to the Constitution of the State the same as in National Banks. DIMECTORS: J.
N. Vance, 8. Horkheimer, L. 8. Delaplain, D.
Gutman, J. G. Hotfmann, Wm. Ellingham, Sau'1 Laughlin, H. Wallace, Crawford Booth, Bud JOHN J.
KNOX CO. Manufaeturers and Jobbers of Boots and Shoes, No. 1301 Main Wheeling, W.Va. ja8 CREAM Baking Powder! ONLY ONE TEASPOONFUL REQUIRED TO A QUART OF FLOUR. Put ap in Pound, Half Pound and Quarter Pound Cans.
THOBURN COR MARKET SEVENTEESTI AGENTS. je28 SLATE ROOF Is the CHEAPEST AND. MOST DURABLE FIRE- PROOF COVERING For Brick or Frame Buildings. The difference In Prices Insurance will pay the adaftional cost over shingles. beyond com potition.
CHARNOCK Have removed their Blacksmith and Horse-shoeing shop to No. 5T street, between Main and Water streets, Wheeling, W. Va. j-26 1200 ROLLS OF Beautiful and Desirable Patterns In Wall Pepsr. Just received A.
PAULL BRO'S, ate. je27 1142 MAIN STREET. ed Shoulders, Cured vaned Cured Canvased Eager Cured CanvasLARD- Sugar Breakfast Bacon, Plain Shoulders, Clear Sides, Sugar Cured Dried ed Beef, Leaf fresh Lard. from smoke house daily; Kettle in Barrels and Half Barrels, Kegs and Pails; all at lowest market rates. D.
REILLY, Jell 1309 and 1311 Main Street. W. MCCONNELL, No. 155 FIFTEENTH STREET, Manufacturer of Lard Barrels, Half Barrels, Apple and Flour Barrels, Hama Tierces, Glass Barrels and Casks, Butter Kegs, etc. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.
mr25-lAw THE HYCEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT, VA. Situated within 100 yards of Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Special attractions for summer. with a pie opacity for 500 guests.
Has all modern office. Six daily malls and telegraph Fifteen to twenty first-class steamers land daily (except Sunday), 150 yards from the door. from superior bench until for November. tething at door steps and good May Boating, fishing and driving specially attractive: Bend for circular deseribing bygienic ad vantages, terms, de. wy15 H.
PHOEBUS. Prop. 99 CENTS. 99 CENTS. Will get ONE DOZEN nice Card Photographs.
See samples at BROWN'S GALLERY, np13 Below MoLure House DENNISON'S CHEAP AND RELIABLE PATENT SHIPPING TAGS FOR SALE AT THIS OFSICE. EUREKA LAUNDRY; No. 1406 MARKET STREET. Ladies' and gentlemen's notice at moderate rates. in the week, and returned thereafter.
Gods called Je26-60d Poison! Poison! POTATO BUG POISON, pure and sure, for sale by LOCAN, LIST co. An Ohio Merchant Writes us: "My customers say I must keep LOGAN, LIST CO'S EXCELSIOR BAKING PORDER. They won't buy any other kind." It is unquestionably the best Baking Powder in the market, Sold by the best Dealers, everywhere. Your Horses Cattle Need attention now and then. There is 10 better Remedy in the market than FRENCH CONDITION POWDER.
Sold by my 26-daw LOGAN, LIST CO. THE GREATEST MEDICINE OF THE L' Kraft's Diarrhoca UNEQUALED BY ARY OTHER TION IN THE WORLD for the cure of Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flux, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, In universal use for FIFTEEN YEARS! HAS NEVER FAILED IN A SINGLE CASE. KEEP IT IN YOUR HOUSE, TAKE IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU TRAVEL Sold with a guarenteo-NO CURE, NO PAY I See Certificates, from prominent citizens of this and other States. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in at 50c per Bottle. R.
my12 A CARD FROM E. L. PRUSSING CO. We beg leave to notify the public that, as mady the unprincipled persons are circulating the story that Vinegar recently condemned by the Board of Health of Washington, D. was of our manufaeture, we are obliged to publish the following ourrespondence, which explaios Itself: DE.
T. 5. VERDI, President Board of Health, factured Washington, D. Has any Vinegar manuBoard? by us been confiscated or condemned by your An early reply will greatly oblige E. L.
PRUSSING 00. BOARD OF HEALTH, WASHINGTON, June 9, 1877. -E. L. PRURING In reply to your communication of this date, I am instructed to inform you that the Board of Health has never condemned -any Vinegar of your manufacture, nor has complaint ever been made of the Impurity of the sane.
Very respectfully, We C. C. submit CoX, the AL. Secretary. would also following from Dr.
Aiken, of Maryland, and Dr. Mabla, of Chicago: UNIVERS TY OF MARYLAND, June 9, have this day made a Chemical Aualysis of an average sample of Prussing's Vinegar, and And it Tree from all trace of mineral acids and metalic Impurities, and therefore pure. Free sulphuric acid, a very injurious adulteration often found in the commercial article, is not present in this vinegar. WILLIAM E. A.
AIKEN, Prof. Chem, and Phar. of bis Vinegar to Chemical Analysis, and found it Requested by Mr. Prussing, I subjected a ample perfectly tree from mineral acids and metallic substances with which commercial vinegar is so frequently adulterated. I can recommend It, theretore, as an entirely pure and wholesome articie.
F. MAHLA, Ph. Dr. In conclasion, we will add that our well-known brands of Vinegar have stond the test of publio celved opinion frat for premiums twenty-nine at years, the besides World's having reFair, the United States Fair, the Illinois State Fair, the Chicago City Fair, de. je28-eod E.
L. PRUSSING Chicago. SHIELDS HOUSE, No. 7 Sixth near Suspension Bridge, PITTSBURGH, PA. W.
H. STAHLMAN, Proprietor. enly $1.50 PER DAY. This House has recently been thoroughly renorated and refitted, with all the modern Improvementa added, Ladies and Families will find the House suited in every way to their wants, Private entrance, Parlors, dc. It is located in one of the most prominent streets in the business centre of the city, and is well ventilatel throughout.
The table is supplied with the best the market affords. Street care pass the door every few minutes for all parts of the city, Allegheny, Manchester, and Bouth-side. The proprietor has served a long time in the business, and knows well the wants of guests, copeclally those of our farmers. Rates very moderate, Drovers and Farmera should bear in mind that the Stabling attached to the House is very large and of the best order. Accommodations for 500 horses.
DE'N. B. -The Wheeling INTELLIGENCER de ceived regularly at this House for the benefit of guesta from that section. fel6-St YALE LOCKS, With small flat steel Keys, applicable to almost every use, aud for ale by all Hardware Dealers. A special line DESK.
Stanford, Conn. KEY. Salesroom, N9. 53 Chambers Naw York. myst-col MARTIN'S CAPITAL RESTAURANT.
No. 1155 MARKET is the only Arst-class Restaurant in the city. It is the only Restaurant that has separate rooms for ladies, or where you can dad that with the quiet cleanliness of a bore, combined best cuisine that ean he found in the city. He keeps on hand the very best the market affords in In season, vegetables, and fab, serves oysters, game, and everything in it up in a manner unexcelled the country, He can be relied upon always to furnish everything irst-class, Jes TEAS-300 PACKAGES Gunpowder, Imperial, Young Ryson, Oolong, English and Souchong Teas, In store and for sale at low figures. M.
REILLY, 1309 and 1311 Main Et. STOVES HARDWARE. The Cheapest, The Best, The Largest COOKSTOVE In the Market is the Celebrated VALLEY STAR. BENJAMIN FISHER, STAR FOUNDRY. A great variety of other Cook Stoves always on hand.
All Stoves guaranteed. Marbelized Iron and Slate Mantels. Freestone and Slate Hearths, Call, examine and see prices before purchasing elsewhere. mr22 B. F.
CALDWELL. Marble, Slate Iron Mantles, Common Grates, Tile and all kinds of Terra Cotta goods. Galvanized Iron Work and Tin Roofing, TOGETHER, WITH SORTMENT A OF COMPLETE AS COOKING STOVES And House Furnishing Goods. We call special attention to the I The Peerless most complete Radiator Grate in Shaking the market. Grate.
It can be seen in operation in Mr. Frank Con's fine residence on the Island. Call and examine. 1507, 1509 4: 1511 Main Street, near B. 0.
K. It. Depot. mr9 ARE YOU GOING TO MOVE? Don't You Want a NewCook Stove The BEST and CHEAPEST STOVES IN THE MARKET can be found at No. 1425 Main St.
THE FAMOUS ARLINGTON AND OTHER First-Class Stoves, Can now be bought Cheaper than ever before. ALL STOVES WARRANTED TO PLEASE -Don't fail to call and see our stock before purchasing. JOSEPH BELL CO. ARLINGTON STOVE WORKS, No. 1425 MAIN WHEELING, W.
HAWLEY, CARPENTER. Office-930 MARKET STREET. Residence-51 FIFTEENTH STREET. my9 BALE- On South Brond way street Island, one Building Lot, 40 front by 125 feet deep. Fine shade trees, and lot filled up above street grade.
my18 JOHN M. HAWLEY. TAMES L. HAWLEY, Merchandise Broker And REAL ESTATE AGENT. no.
Loans negotiated for Lenders and Borrowers. 1220 MAIN STREET. my4 CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES A speciality. Prices to suit all classes at 12th Street Variety Store, No. 38.
Calla answered at all bours from the Store. WM. ZINK SON, Furniture and Carpet Rooms, North Rad Centre Wheeling Market. Jet PORTABLE TURKISH Modiented Bath, BATH Self A 410, Per we of PHYSICIANN It cares Cheers particulars, or send TURKISH BATH CO. DE O.
MERCHANT TAILORS. Communication to Gentlemen SPECIAL FROM H. LINGEN, Merchant Tailor. Determining to close out my entire stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, for the purpose of discontinuing that branch of my business, I therefore offer to the public my entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods AT A REDUCED This is done for the reason that my larged Merchant Tailoring Custom Trade requires my undivided attention. Merchant Tailoring Department.
Having received my whole stock of SPRING and SUMMER WOOLENS, I am prepared to make up to measure all Wool Caseimere Suitings from $18 00 upwards. With a large stock of the most desirable goods on hand and facilities for turning out the most Fashionable Clothing, I can guarantee perfect satisfaction to all customers, Give me a call. H. LINGEN, MERCHANT TAILOR, my28 1220 Market St. Thos.
Hughes Co. MERCHANT TAILORS, Corner Twelfth and Water Streets, WHEELING, W. VA. We are receiving additions daily to our already large and attractive stock of WORSTEDS, CLOTHS, 'CASSIAERES, and I Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, FOR SPRING SUMMER WEAR, And believe we can offer superior inducements to any needing Clothing Made in a First-Class Manner. We will hereafter make the following discount to CASH and PROMPT PAY.
ING CUSTOMERS: 8IX PER CENT of' il paid in 10 days. FIVE PER CENT off if paid in 30 days, from date of delivery of clothes. PLEASE EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES. THOS. HUGHES CO.
my10 J. H. STALLMAN Merchant Tailors We are constantly receiving NEW GOODS, FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade And always keep one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF GOODS in the city. All the NEW STYLES -OFPlain, Stripe and Plaid Suitings, Diagonal and Basket Worsteds, Plain and Fancy Pantaloon Goods, Spring Overcoatings. And all goods usualiy found in Erst-class establishment.
line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Always in store. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY SHIRTS in the at Call and look at our goods. No. 27 Twelfth Wheeling. myl New Goods! SPRING and SUMMER C.
HESS SON, Merchant Tailors, our stock, feeling assured we can offer perior inducements. mr17, C. HE89 SON. COR. 14th AND MAIN STS.
Have just received their large and elegaxt stock of Goods SPRING AND SUMMER Embracing all saw designs of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Suitings, and Spring Overcoatinge, Which will be made up in the Best Style, FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. WRITE SHIRTS MADE TO ORDRE. We invite the public to call and examine TRANSPORTATION. BALTIMORE OHIO RAILROAD CO On and after May. 14, 1877, Passenger Trains will leave as follows- Wheeling Fime: 5.
No. 7 No. 1. BOUND. dally.
dally, Wheeling 4:40 10:35 7:20 Arrives at P. 9:06 3:15 10:301 4,10 P. M. Cum land 12:56 1:46 7:05 1:56 8100 2:45 Washington 4:80 6:10 City, 7:20 7:50 8:30 9100 M. M.
New 3:05 1:45 except 6:25 Sunday, No. 7 stops at all Stations between Wheeling and Cumberland; No. 48 stope at all Stations bot ween Wheeling and. Grafton. No.
5. No. 10. WEST-DOUND, daily, No. 2.0 dally.
Leave Wheeling. 9.45 P.M Arrive 11:50 $8:45 9:05 A.M 10.00 8:15 8:00 5:00 4 6:55 9:10 7:80 1:85 P.M 8:00 10:80 Louisville 12:05 7:45 P.M 11:25 1 12:40 st. 8.00 A.M 9:01 6:00 7:00 except Sunday. Nos. and 10 make close connection at Columbus for all pointe South and South west; at Chicago for all points West and Northwest.
Enat-bound trains make connections at Baltimore for Philadelphia, New York and, Boston. At Ington City lee all pointa South. West-bound trains make direct connections for all principal pointa West and North west. Fullman Falace cars on all night trains. WHEELING, PITTS.
AND BALTIMORE DIV. daily- Arrives dally at a. m. a.m Sunday. 6:25 p.
7:10 p.m Sunday. Offico Ticketa to all all hours priacipal points on mie at Depot, open at during the day. THOS. R. SHARP, R.
RISE On and after May 20th, 1877, Trains will run daily (except Sunday) an follows, viz: ACCOM. MAIL. EXPRESS 1-AVE. 5:55 A.M. 11:00 310 P.M.
Bridgeport. 6:05 44 11:10 3:20 Martin's 613 11:18 8:27 Ta Grate 6:18 111:52 4:00 ville 1:06 12:00 P.M 4:18 Welliville 5 20 1:85 5:50 9.10 2:30 6:40 REV 8:40 7:45 5:55 9:40 12:05 A.M. 10.53 2:40 A.M. 3:50 Baltimore. 7:45 7:45 Washing 9:12 9:12 3:00 7:00 7:35 New 6:35 10.15 10:35 4:45 8:30 P.M.
8:30 P.M. REIVE. 110:37 6:19 P.M. 111:58 5:06 Hudson. 12:80 P.ar.
6:21 Cleveland. 1:45 7:30 ARRIVE. Ft. 11:45 2:25 6:30 A.M. 8:00 Steubenville Acrommedation--Leaves Bellatre at 4:40 p.m.; Bridgeport at 4.50; and arrives at benville at 6:15 p.
m. Leaves ville at 7:45 a. arrives at Bridgeport at 8:55 m. Special accommodation trains leave Bellaire at 9 30 a. m.
and 12:45 p. Bridgeport at 9:45 a. m. and 1:00 p. arrive at Martin's Ferry 9:56 M.
93. and 1:10 p. m. Returning leave Martin's Ferry at 11:25 a. m.
and 3:30 P. Bridgeport 11:35 A. D. and 3:40 p. arrive at Bellaire at 11:50 a.
as. and 3:55 1n. Tickets to all principal pointe in the East and West can be procured at the Union Ticket Otice, McLure House, and at the station at Bridgeport. F. R.
MYER my29 General Passenger and Ticket Agent. DITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI 8T. LOUIS ROUTE. PAL BEE Tho Direct Line to the Northwest, West and South west. CONDENSED TIME CARD.
Taking effect June 24, 1877. To the West and South (via Zanesville). Fast Pacific Lino. Ex. Accom Leave Arive 9:59 4:45 10:50 5:55 4 Washington 11:57 7:15 17:25 Wilmington 8:21 1:38 9:15 8:10 110:55 To the West and South (via Columbus).
Fast Pac'fel Cia. Line. Ex. Ex. Mall.
Leave- A. M. 8:30 3:10 17:06 M. Steuben 1:09 10:07 6:151 9.20 2:45 :1:66 3:30 11:85 P. M.
P. M. 5:00 2,17 11:23 7.25 A.M. 6,25) 3:00 11:00 110:00 Arrive 7:20 4:43 2:05 11:00 P. M.
8:20 5:42 3115 12:16 6:20 1:15 8:00 0.30 3:10 A. M. Tomsville. 12:35 7:45 To the West and Northwest (via Columbus), Fast Ind. Ch'go.
Line. Ex. Ex. Ex. 6:30 10:00 15:40 Arrive- P.
M. 8:04 5:45 7:40 9,0. 6.46 9:02 Richmond 10:56 3:15 8 30 P'. M. 12:35 6:15 11:25 St.
9:00 M. A. M. 4:00 3:03 3:00 8.30 7:60 7:00 except Sunday. from no.
Pullman Steubenville Drawing Room and Sleeping Care and Columbus through seithout change to Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis and St. Louis, and from Columbus to Chicago. The plonsure seeker or those seeking Homes in the West, should call on or address the undersigned for through time tables, maps, land circular and further information. L. O'BRIEN, Gen'l passenger and Ticket Agent, No.
219 High atreet, Columbus, Otto. my17 TUTT'S SPILLS A distinguished physician of New York says: Pills It is setonishing how universally Dr. Tutt's are used. In my dally rounds, I hear of them not only among the poor, but their virtues are heraided from the mansions of the wealthy and ruined. Knowing the inventor from his Jong connection with the medical profession, I have great confidence in their merits, and of late have often cases prescribed them with the happiest results in where I desired to make a decid.
ed impression on the liver." TUTT'S PILLS the been Dr. practica Tatt engaged has of in CURE SICK HEADACHE, modleine thirty years, and for a TUTT'S PILLS Lone demonstrator time Was of CUED anatomy in the Medical College of Georgia. TUTT'S PILLS bare mine hence the his persona pills CURE CONSTIPATION. antes that they are prepare on TUTT'S PILLS frog ciples, quackery. from ADd prin- AF alt CURE FILES.
He has ceded in comTUTT'S PILLS the Lining qualities in heretofore them CURE FEVER AND AGUE. ENING, PUR GATIVE, TUTT'S PILLS ING PURIFY. TONIC. CURE While they BILIOUS COLIC, move all beatthy they TUTT'S PILLS weakness. produce no be CURE KIDNEY COMPLAINT.
BEy Laken They may time wither restraint of die TUTT'S PILLS or As a safe veenpation. family CURE TORPID LIVER, have medicine no rival they PRICE, 250. TUTT'S PILLS! 35 Murray OFFICE: IMPART APPETITE, NEW YORK. U. Paper Box Manufacturer, Nos.
1211 and 1213 Main Street, up stairs (old Union Hall), la now prepared to make all kinda of Fancy as low and Plain as Paper Boxes in as good style and at prices any house in the country, Orders from the country promptly attended to. mr24 linen done up on short the Work second taken every third day or for and delivered free. L. PITILLIPS, Supt. ICE! ICE! CRYSTAL ICE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at the lowest rates, Delivered at the cars and steam boats, the well packed with sawdust; also to an parts prompt of attention, city.
Orders by mail will receive Postoffice, Wheeling, at W. No. Va. 1450 Market for street, near Sand price list. wy17 ROBERT LUKE..