1. 解放大西南- 电视剧- 豆瓣
2. 大进军:席卷大西南_百度百科
在短短半年内,共歼灭国民党军90余万人,彻底粉碎了国民党军依托西南一隅待机反攻的企图,解放了包括重庆、成都等在内的广大西南地区。 中文名. 大进军:席卷大西南.
3. [PDF] World Bank Document
... 大区市场的发展过程,他建议在建立大区. 电受市场前发展双边交易,各省设立市场交易者,为了以后能形. 成大区也董市埠,各有的市场规则必须协调发展,一旦有统一的. 规则,就可 ...
4. Tibet—Its Ownership And Human Rights Situation - 北大法律英文网
1271年,蒙古汗政權定國號為元,並于1279年統一了全中國,創建了繼漢(公元前206—公元220年)、唐王朝之後中國版圖內各地區、各民族大統一的中央政權,西藏成為中國元朝中央政府 ...
5. 领土VS主权:政治地理学领土陷阱理论研究进展
领土/领域是政治地理学的核心概念,领土陷阱是政治地理学的经典理论之一。论文系统整理了关于领土陷阱的成果文献,在此基础上梳理了领土陷阱理论的源起、发展及其研究 ...
领土/领域是政治地理学的核心概念,领土陷阱是政治地理学的经典理论之一。论文系统整理了关于领土陷阱的成果文献,在此基础上梳理了领土陷阱理论的源起、发展及其研究议题进展,并对其借鉴意义进行了评述。John Agnew提出的领土陷阱理论基于3个地理假设:领土—国家—主权的“三位一体”、国内—国外的“二分法”、国家是社会的容器。领土陷阱驳斥了既有的国家中心主义领土观,强调重视领土主权之外的多种实效主权形式,如域外治权、分级主权、社会主权等。领土陷阱如今被广泛应用于全球治理、非传统安全、跨境移民、跨境资源保护、跨境水政治等多方面的议题,并随着时代发展展示出其强大的解释力。论文认为,领土陷阱相关研究的主张,如领土是主权的工具、要从领土主权和实效主权的复杂互动中理解领土问题、从中心和边缘的双向视角理解领土问题、从理性和历史情感中审视领土问题等,对于中国当下有效解决领土问题、推动“一带一路”倡议、践行“人类命运共同体”等具有重要的启示意义。
6. [PDF] The Coal-mining Pariahs of Chikuhō. Assimilation or Over-Discrimination?
The Chikuhō 筑豊 region1 of northern Kyūshū was, until the 1950s, one of Japan's main coal-producing areas.2 It was subsequently overtaken by Ishikari ...
7. [PDF] CONTENTS - 清华大学国际关系研究院
Founded in 2012, the World Peace Forum (WPF) is organized by. Tsinghua University and co-organized by the Chinese People's.
8. Progress and prospect of the application of the theory of ...
Henri Lefebvre是当代新马克思主义空间理论研究的代表,他提出的空间生产理论是新马克思主义城市学派和马克思主义地理学的关键概念。Lefebvre认为空间不仅仅是传统社会政治 ...
Production of space systematically integrates Marxism and spatial theories into a materialistic system with both dialectical and historical thinking, opening up a new horizon for interpreting and analyzing spatial practice processes. Using the CiteSpace bibliometric method and based on publications in China and in the field of production of space, combined with in-depth reading of typical literature, this study examined the progress of the application of the theory of production of space in the field of urbanization research in China, and summarized the overview, highlights, and shortcomings of research. The results indicate that: 1) The rapid development of urbanization in China and the expansion of the dissemination and influence of the Western theory on the production of space have jointly promoted the relevant research in China, which is characterized by diverse objects, broad themes, flexible perspectives, and a combination of practical interpretation and problematic criticism, focusing on the correspondence between foreign theories and local practices. 2) The generalization of spatial patterns of urbanization and the critique of urbanization effects are the two key points of the application of the production of space theory. The former is to apply production of space to sort out diverse and specific localization practices, while the latter is the revelation of contradictions in specific spatial production practices based on human-centered values. There still exist sever...
9. [PDF] UTCP -Uehiro Booklet 6 - 東京大学
sent into the space just after the Tioumliline colloquium, on October 4th,1957. ... 解放大上海的英勇战斗之后,奉命进驻南京路,在眩人眼目的霓虹灯下担负. 警卫任务 ...
10. [PDF] 文学跨学科研究
There comes a prophecy that the blessed days may come with ease. ... 我们不能解放自己,进入现实中;相反,我们居然还在想怎么把别人解放出来。” (307)所以,老子说:大巧若 ...
8 mei 2016 · 注射10%水合氯醛麻醉大鼠, 留取大鼠血液,. 离心后分离上层血清于无菌EP管 ... after resection for Crohn's disease. J Gastrointest. Surg 2011 ...